VeDO Hummer

VeDO - The Hummer

Staff Review

Written by Marc.O

The VeDO Hummer has undoubtedly taken your 'everyday' BJ to the next level. The Hummer is the best sucking blow job machine I have ever experienced.

Provided you are hard to start off with and you are lubed up good and well, you will experience a mind blowing climax. I definitely cannot stress this enough; make sure you use plenty of (water) based lube. Having an adequate amount of slip is essential for the sucking to work to the best of its ability. I would also suggest sticking to a lube with a water rather than silicone or oil base; this will make it much easier to clean, keeping your machine nice and fresh.

The machine offers 5 different levels of intensity and 5 speeds; giving you the ability to take full control over your blowjob. You are able to control the strength of the suction using a remote control, and the textured sleeve provides sensations that i cannot even begin to explain.

I feel like with extended use the Hummer could even function like a penis pump; the strength of the suction could possibly allow the toy to work in a similar way, all whilst providing you with incredible pleasure.

What is pretty awesome about the Hummer is its soft glow-in-the dark sleeve that allows you a little peak at yourself if you are using the machine in the dark. The toy is also of the plug in variety, meaning that you never actually need to charge it. Whenever the urge comes to you simply plug it on in and you're more than good to go.

Whilst I could sit here forever describing the incredible feelings that this machine provides, I figured there's a better way for you to truly understand, and that is through seeing this baby in action. Click through to watch a short demonstration of the VeDO Hummer on Pornhub

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