The Ultimate Condom Guide

Sexual health is an essential aspect of overall well-being, and it's crucial to have the necessary knowledge and tools to protect oneself and one's partner. When it comes to safe sex, one of the most popular and easily accessible options is a condomAt Sydney's best adult shop, Pleasure Chest, we stock a range of popular condom brands including Lifestyles CondomsFour SeasonsGlyde Health and more.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into everything you need to know about condoms, including how to use them correctly, their effectiveness, and even explore an alternative contraceptive method - the diaphragm.

What is a Condom

A condom is a type of barrier contraceptive, usually made of latex or polyurethane, that is worn over the penis during sexual activity to prevent unwanted pregnancies and reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It acts as a physical barrier, preventing sperm from reaching the egg and reducing the risk of STIs by preventing the exchange of bodily fluids. It's an important tool for practising safe and responsible sexual health.

Exploring Condom Types and Varieties

Condoms come in various types and varieties, catering to different needs and preferences. Let's explore some options:

  1. Introduction to different condom types: From latex to non-latex, flavoured to ribbed, there is a wide range of condom varieties available in the market. Latex condoms are the most common and effective in preventing STIs and pregnancies.
  2. Pros and cons of each type: Consider the pros and cons of different condom types to select the one that suits you best. For instance, non-latex condoms are suitable for those with latex allergies, while flavoured condoms can add some excitement to intimate moments.
Types of Condoms

How to Put on a Condom

Let's walk through the step-by-step process of putting on a condom:

  1. Prep: Before engaging in any sexual activity, it's important to have a condom on hand. Keep some in a convenient and easily accessible place, such as your bedside table or wallet (but remember, don't keep them in your wallet for too long as they can get damaged).
  2. Step-by-step instructions: Start by checking the expiration date and carefully opening the package, making sure not to damage the condom. Ensure the condom is rolled up and unroll it slightly to check for any tears or defects. Place the rounded tip of the condom over the head of the erect penis. Pinching the reservoir (the tip at the end), unroll the condom down the shaft of the penis. Smooth out any air bubbles and make sure it fits snugly but not too tight.
  3. Common mistakes to avoid: A few common errors to watch out for are using sharp objects or teeth to open the package (which can result in condom tears), unrolling the condom before putting it on, and not leaving enough space at the tip to catch the ejaculate. Avoid slipping the condom on too quickly as it may not unroll fully, risking breakage.
  4. Ensuring a proper fit: Condoms come in different sizes, so choose one that fits you best to ensure comfort and avoid breakage. If a standard condom feels too tight or restrictive, try a larger size. It is crucial to maintain communication with your partner during the process to ensure their comfort and pleasure as well.

How Effective are Condoms

Condoms are highly effective when used correctly and consistently. Here's what you need to know about their efficacy:

  1. Understanding the concept of contraception and STD prevention: Contraception is the deliberate use of methods to prevent pregnancy, while preventing STIs involves protecting oneself and one's partner from sexually transmitted infections. Condoms serve as a dual-function method, providing both contraceptive and STI prevention benefits.
  2. Statistical efficacy rates of condoms: When used consistently and correctly, condoms have been found to be about 98% effective in preventing pregnancies. However, it's important to note that the effectiveness rate might be slightly lower in real-world scenarios due to human error.
  3. Factors affecting condom effectiveness: Proper usage and storage play a significant role in maintaining condom effectiveness. Ensuring condoms are within their expiration date, using lubrication, and avoiding oil-based lubricants (as they can weaken latex condoms) are crucial factors to consider.
  4. Combining condom usage with other contraceptive methods: For added protection, consider combining condom usage with another form of contraception, such as hormonal birth control methods or intrauterine devices (IUDs).

What is a Diaphragm

In addition to condoms, the diaphragm is another contraceptive option that individuals can consider. Here's what you need to know about diaphragms:

  1. A diaphragm is a shallow, dome-shaped device made of silicone or latex that is placed inside the vagina to cover the cervix, blocking sperm from entering the uterus.
  2. The diaphragm acts as a physical barrier, preventing sperm from reaching the egg. It must be used in combination with a spermicide, which helps immobilise and kill sperm.
  3. The advantages of diaphragms include non-hormonal contraception, long-lasting usage, and the ability to control one's reproductive health. 
  4. However, some disadvantages to consider are the need for proper fitting, potential discomfort during insertion, and the requirement to leave it in place for a few hours after intercourse.
  5. It is crucial to consult a healthcare professional for proper fitting and instructions on how to use a diaphragm effectively. Additionally, regular check-ups are advised to ensure the diaphragm still fits correctly.
  6. While diaphragms can help prevent pregnancies, they do not protect against STIs. Combining diaphragm usage with condom usage when engaging in sexual activity with a new partner is recommended for optimal protection.


In conclusion, it's safe to say that condoms are simply amazing - providing an essential barrier against unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. Hopefully, after delving into this blog, you now feel armed with all the knowledge you need to use condoms correctly and make informed choices about your sexual health.

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